To order the products of use the available order form.
First, add the desired products to your cart (by clicking “Add to cart”). Continue with your purchases or select “VIEW CART” to complete your order. You can check the contents of your basket at any time, add or remove any product and/or increase or decrease its quantity. Before placing your orderproceed to checkout), check carefully if you agree with the selected products and their quantities as they appear in your shopping cart, correct possible errors by clicking on the relevant options and click on “Update Cart” to update your cart information. Fill in your billing information, i.e. your personal and delivery information, and select a payment method. You are ready for the final checkout (complete order)!
You can place your order throughout the day (24 hours), seven days a week. If you place your order on our website outside of 09:00 – 16:30 Monday to Friday working days, your order is deemed to have arrived on our website at 09:00 AM. of the next working day from Monday to Friday, subject to the smooth operation of our website.
You can make the purchase as a registered user or as a guest. When placing an order, you are given the option to create an account with the information you provide for the order. It is recommended to create an account so that your details are automatically displayed at checkout and save time.
After placing your order, you will receive an automated e-mail informing you that the order has been successfully placed. After checking and processing the order, you will receive an e-mail confirming your order. For the best service, you can see the history of your orders and transactions with our online store, on the website of your account, by clicking “ORDER“.
For product availability, questions or clarifications you can call to +302104949333 & +306977349612, or email us on
You can pay for your order in the following ways:
Α. Charged to your credit or debit card
By choosing this payment method, you are transferred to the secure environment of Eurobank Bank, where you fill in your card details.
Β. By deposit or transfer to our bank account:
IBAN : GR23 0110 6420 0000 6424 1001748
IBAN: GR62 0140 3860 3860 0232 0006298
Beneficiary of the account:NIKI MACHAIRA AND CO. OE.
Enter your order code in the reason for deposit. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have cleared to our account.
C. Cash on delivery (only for deliveries in Greece )
There is no charge for choosing to pay by cash on delivery.
Pay the price of your order to the courier company employee upon receipt of your products. As long as the cost of your order does not exceed €500.00 including VAT, you can pay for your order in cash.